Big Green Egg
Jan 2018
Big Green Egg
Interaction- & UI Design
A rich experience for
the hottest Kamado
Big Green Egg approached Creative Media Network to redesign their current corporate website. I drew the longest straw, as I got to be lead creative for this exciting project, with support from creative ally Bogdan Siregar. Heck yeah! After a first meeting, Big Green Egg and the mediaBunker creatives mutually agreed this beautifull product should be emphasized with a rich visual and interactive experience.
With those keywords in mind and access to an endless photography stock, we went wild on the drawing table; Parralax ingredients floating trough the website, a 360 product viewer, animated smoke and more crazy ideas popped up.
Cook, bake, grill, stew, smoke
The Big Green Egg is a versatile green beast in the outdoor cooking field. For this reason the new corporate website is packed with recipe inspiration. We wanted to make the recipes as visual as possible; Crips clear images, little text and easy navigation.
Visit the website
Curious about the project? Check out the live website